Returning the goods

You can return purchased goods without giving any reason within the statutory 14-day period from the date of its receipt. This applies of course to order a personal collection. Law does not apply to orders within a business or business activity, unless it is stated on the invoice your ID.

We recommend that you return the goods in undamaged packaging

Packaging is not subject to purchase or part of the purchased things. Nevertheless, we are entitled to reimbursement for the cost of returning the goods. These costs are assessed and subsequently charged to the customer.

The status of returned goods

In the event that the goods are returned by the supplier in other than intact, the customer is obliged to pay suppliers in particular, costs associated with placing the goods in original condition and possible further damage to the goods (incomplete content, missing accessories or accompanying documentation, damaged package, wear goods , etc.).

14 day deadline

To comply with deadlines is critical when the withdrawal sent. The withdrawal period is thus considered as preserved if the consumer sends in the course of business announcements, withdrawing from the contract.

The deadline for the withdrawal takes 14 calendar days, not working, and starts on the calendar day following receipt of the goods by the consumer (eg. Take over if the customer goods on Friday, the time for withdrawal counts from Saturday included).

What documents attached

To the returned goods is always recommended to submit an invoice to confirm that the goods you purchased from us and make us identify the goods and demand.
In the shortest possible time by sending this withdrawal is necessary to us handed the goods purchased. In this case, there is no right to reimbursement of necessary costs associated with the transportation of goods to the seller.
We also recommend attributable to document the account number to send the amount back.

What goods can not be returned at all?

By law, the consumer can withdraw from the contract, especially if it is:

The supply of sealed goods which the consumer unsealed and hygienic reasons it can not be returned.
The delivery of goods which has been modified as desired by the consumer or to his person.

Repayment of finance for goods

Money for the goods will be sent to your bank account as soon as possible, within 14 days of the withdrawal, but not prior to the receipt of returned merchandise back to our complaints department (or until you prove that the goods being returned to us has been sent). Costs of returning the goods in this case the buyer. We recommend putting the account number to send the amount.

Where or how to return goods

In person at : Ovčáry

Send to:

UBC s.r.o.

Logistics center Ovčáry
Industrial Zone Ovčáry u Kolína
Ovčáry 322
280 02 Ovčáry
Czech Republic