TEMPOR self-closing concealed cistern valve for urinal, chrome 129,00 €/Piece stock > 10 Piece Code: 937.750.1
TEMPOR self-closing concealed shower valve with temperature control, chrome 348,00 €/Piece expected Code: 937.141.1
TEMPOR self-closing stand valve for washbasin with temperature control, chrome 175,00 €/Piece stock 4 Piece Code: 937.002.1
TEMPOR self-closing wall valve with bidet shower, chrome 188,00 €/Piece stock > 5 Piece Code: 937.040.1
Thermostatic water temperature regulator, 1/2", 30-60 degrees, reverse suhtters 89,00 €/Piece stock > 50 Piece Code: TMT12MPM
TThermostatic water temperature regulator, 1", for 4-8 receiving points, chrome 165,00 €/Piece stock > 50 Piece Code: TMTCOM