The fresh design of the Zoom series shower screens is elaborated to the smallest detail. Shower doors with square rotating profiles with a lifting mechanism allow easy opening inside and out and guarantee maximum entry width. An exception is the quarter-circle screens of the ZL2615 (90x90 cm) and ZL2616 (100x100 cm) type, which only open outwards.

General characteristics of shower screens of the Zoom line series:

Specially designed handle
for comfortable door opening.
Flat magnetic seal
elegantly hidden in aluminum
profile allows you to open the door
on both sides for all models
niche doors and in combination
with side wall.
Swivel profile in minimalist
design with lifting function
for comfortable opening.
Clean line - glass intersects the profile
on both sides at the same level.
He elegantly hides wall irregularities
aluminum profile into which it slides
glass up to 20 mm as required. Stability
glass provides an elegant strut
with adjustable mounting angle on both sides.

Products in series

Video series